In a meeting with 200 Accenture consultants, Dr. Friedman’s drumming program created synergy and a sense of connection with all participants. The program was exciting and fun, which were the key goals of the meeting. I highly recommend Robert Friedman’s drumming activity for any business or private event for an uplifting and positive experience.
Tara Freeman, Senior Manager, Accenture Corporation
Your program was a resounding success! You clearly were able to connection with and meet the needs of our diverse staff. More importantly, you surpassed my expectations in attaining the core goals for the day, that is to provide a rejuvenating and energizing staff experience, enhance our sense of community and team identity.
Wayne Gurnick, MS, Division Director, Pederson Krag
Thank you so much for your excellent seminar “Drumming Away Stress.” The staff truly enjoyed it. Many of them told me they could take some of your relaxation tips with them throughout their workday.
Madeline Kaplan, Kaye Scholer Fierman Hays and Handler, LLP, Director of Administration
Your “Drumming Away Stress” program was informative, entertaining and educational. After hearing your presentation, we felt fresher and more alive.
Yvonne Shapiro, RN Manager, Medical Services, Xerox Corporation