• Healing Power of the Drum Workshop

    Join Robert Lawrence Friedman, MA, a recognized leader in the field of stress management and rhythm-based therapy for this unique program that explores the practical new science of drumming and health.  Research indicates that hand drumming and rhythm-based exercises can improve the immune system, lower stress levels and boost positive emotions.

  • Drumming and the Mind, Body, and Soul

    As a psychotherapist, stress management consultant and drummer of thirty years who began drumming on a practice pad my father created out of three-parts love and one-part rubber and wood, I’ve been pondering a question that went beyond the technique and mechanics of my drumming. That is, were there any benefits to my drumming on my mind, body, or even, dare I say, soul?

  • Letting Go of Crutches

    Trust is one the most important elements in the workshops I teach. Usually that trust is me learning to trust myself and my process. In this case, my learning extended to trusting that the participants know what is best for themselves, and for me, to practice getting out of the way and allowing them to open to their next steps, in this case, literally.

  • The Health Benefits of Drumming

    Seemingly everyone can benefit from drumming, from senior citizens to executives, from war Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients, from cancer victims to Multiple Sclerosis patients, as well as individuals with paralysis and stroke, all were able to find benefits through drumming. The more I searched, the more it seemed that there wasn’t a population or ailment that couldn’t receive something positive from drumming, and the benefits were sometimes profound.

  • The Art of Play

    One of the keys to success in adulthood is often overlooked by most adults, the value of self-care, and, as part of self-care, the ability to cultivate the art of play.