• Population Served: Management and Employees

  • Program Designed for Release of Stress and Boosting of Positive Emotions

For thousands of years, cultures from all over the world have used hand drumming as a way to express creativity and experience the benefits of rhythm-based expression.  In a marriage of the ancient with the contemporary, participants will experience the stress relief created through playing rhythm instruments together.

  • Overview of Program:

    Rhythm-based wellness strategies are becoming more frequent tools used in complementary medicine.  Robert Lawrence Friedman, MA, author of The Healing Power of the Drum – A Psychotherapist Explores the Healing Power of Rhythm (White Cliffs Media, 2001) and The Healing Power of the Drum II – A Journey of Rhythm and Stories (Pathway Books, 2010) was one of pioneers to introduce this burgeoning area of wellness.
    This hands-on workshop will explore and demonstrate how rhythm-based wellness exercises can be used to attain psychological, emotional and physiological well-being.  This program will demonstrate how rhythm-based exercises can be used as a positive and constructive stress management tool.   Anecdotes, clinical data and experiential exercises will be provided.

  • Stress Solutions drumming workshop

Learning Objectives:

In this program, participants will:

  • Practice a wide variety of techniques and strategies for using hand drums and rhythm instruments to reduce stress-related symptoms and improve immune system function;
  • Learn how to release and transform negative emotions and experience positive emotions through hand drumming;
  • Explore the current clinical research on rhythm-based wellness strategies;
  • Learn how rhythm-based exercises can improve communication and listening skills;
  • Explore the concept of entrainment as a vehicle for experiencing stress reduction.
  • Connect in creative and playful ways;
  • Feel completely engaged as a group.

Value to Participants:

Participants will have a unique, engaging and stress-relieving experience.

*All drums provided and no experience is necessary.


“I would like to tell you that following your presentation a survey was done and the results were excellent.  We felt that your drumming programs were both entertaining and educational.  We left your presentations feeling fresher, different and happier.  Thank you for coming to Xerox. Yours is a valuable program we all need.”

Yvonne Shapiro, Manager


“Drumming Away Stress was an excellent vehicle for supporting creative expression.  It allowed me to be creative, relax and thoroughly enjoy myself.  As a group activity, it allowed me to communicate with others and produce great rhythms as a team.  I strongly recommend it.”

Bill Kelly, Chief Financial Officer

“It was a lot of fun and easier than I thought.  Great group activity!”

L. Benjamin, EAP Officer


“The workshop was unlike anything I have ever experienced before! I left your program both calm and energized at the same time.”

S. Hitzig, Vice President


“What wonderful and positive energy you created with “Drumming Away Stress” at our March 21st Natural Healing Complementary Alternatives Event here at St. Mary’s Hospital.  The participants spoke of “freeing up” and having room for more “positive stuff” in addition to having fun and a great time!  Thank you so much!

It was a transcending experience… very energizing!”

Thomasina Nolan, Assistant to the President