• Population Served: Adults

  • Program Designed for Leadership Development, Teambuilding

  • Drumming for Teambuilding is a workshop and/or training program that provides uplifting and energizing activities that allow all employees to feel empowered while building team spirit.

    In this activity, offered to hundreds of Fortune 100 and 500 corporations, no prior skills are necessary or musical experience.

    As each building block of rhythm is provided, all employees develop experiences of success which serve as a foundation for comraderie and empowerment.

    The language of rhythm is a powerful one that transcends verbal communication. Participants will utilize skills requiring concentration, listening skills and communication which provide enhanced comraderie
among all staff.

    Through drumming, employees interact in new ways that transcend titles, and as a successful drumming event is created, all barriers of social and economic status are removed.

    This drumming event provides corporate employees with a positive oasis, rejuvenation, connection with others and an team building experience that will be indelibly imprinted on them for years to come.

  • Drumming Events team building workshop

    Drumming Events team building workshop


“I would like to tell you that following your presentation a survey was done and the results were excellent. We felt that your drumming program was entertaining and educational. We left each one hour presentation feeling fresher, different and happier. Thank you for coming to Xerox. Yours is a valuable program we all need.”

Yvonne Shapiro, Manager


“Since I love rhythm, this was perfect for me.”
Patti Potash, Partner


“I wanted to thank you so much for your wonderful presentation that you gave for our Executive Assistants. The audience truly enjoyed your interactiveness with them. We all walked away more inspired and a whole lot happier as a result of your presentation. Keep up the good work!”

Maria Karczewski, Assistant to the President


“Drumming for Teambuilding allows you to be creative, relax and thoroughly enjoy yourself. As a group activity, it allows you to communicate with others and produce great rhythm as a team. I strongly recommend it.”

L. Benjamin, EAP Officer


“Thank you for providing your full day staff development program. You surpassed my expectations in attaining the core goals of the day, namely to provide a rejuvenating and energizing staff experience, and to enhance our sense of community and team identity. The enjoyment, enthusiasm and appreciation you have for the material presented came through from your opening remarks to the final wrap-up. The positive energy was contagious and it was evidence by the rhythm and drumming exercises by days end that everyone had caught it. Kudos on a job well done!”

Wayne M. Gurnick, MS, Division Director


“On the morning of November 9, 2003, I was scheduled to attend a program on drumming offered at the hospital. As Robert Lawrence Friedman led us through the various drumming games, I found my senses awakening. Everyone in the room was making beautiful music — together. After the hour long program, I walked back to my office, I needed to contain my euphoria and resisted the urge to dance all the way there. I met the usual challenges of that workday with a sense of power that I had never before experienced. I was balanced and knew that nothing could topple me. I was immune to stress. I was calm, confident and euphoric. I am now looking forward to spending the rest of my life drumming. Thank you!”

Maria Burns. Director of Volunteer Services


“I’m writing to express my profound appreciation and gratitude for the drumming experience this past August. As I indicated in our conversation, of al the events my absolute favorite was your evening of drumming. It was for me an event that provided more energy and joyful fun than any other single event.”

Robert Forbes, President


Thank you for your dynamic and interactive presentation this morning to the Family Service League Business & Industry Council. Many people raised their eyebrows at a Drum Program at 8:00 AM, however you certainly changed those skeptic’s minds! I believe the program you designed clearly communicated the message that we wanted to send about Family Service League. You were thorough and thoughtful to our content while making it very entertaining.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I thank you again for your professional performance. You truly made the Business & Industry Council one to remember.

Rod Zuch, Director of Development

It was a joyful feeling free, playful, child-like and fun.

Merry Sanders, Teacher


“It made me feel connected with others in the room and relaxed.”
Ruth Santos, Director of Operations


“I think you should go to different corporations.”
Eva Adler, Vice President


“Well constructed presentation. Good knowledge of subject!”
Linda Jindey, Trader


“Make it longer!”
Fran Sharp, Manager


“Very unique and inspiring! I could use this in my every day life, as can most everyone! I would love to do this with my familiy reunion!”
Adele Dressner, Owner