Population Served: Children ages 5-19
The Magical Rhythm Celebration® is an interactive event in which your children will use a hand drum to learn cooperation, delayed gratification, team spirit, a new skill, and how to express a negative emotion positively.
Why The Magical Rhythm Celebration® Works
Children are naturally drawn to the hand drum. It allows them to express their emotions in a way that is fun and entertaining, all the while learning to express their creative spirit in an atmosphere of support, encouragement and play.
Once the children develop a comfort level with their new found skill, they quickly advance to skill levels that are challenging, and concepts which stretch them, such as cooperation and team spirit.
Components of the Program
Rhythm Games
In an environment of humor and playfulness, children are invited to express rhythms vocally through scat phrasing (vocalizing nonsensical rhythm words) and other rhythm-based games. This activity helps individuals gently experience their own sense of rhythm through their voices.
Personal Musical Expression
Using a variety of percussion instruments such as caribé congas, dumbeks, ashikas, and djembes, children are encouraged to freely and creatively express themselves improvisationally. Each individual is next led through a series of percussive exercises with goals of building communication skills, deepening concentration and reducing stress, among others. In addition, by emphasizing the importance of listening to others while playing, team spirit is built.
Age Group Differentiation
Each age group is provided with skills that challenge the children in fun and exciting ways, teaching rhythm-based skills that build community and enhance self-esteem.

The Magical Rhythm Celebration will:
- Build Community
- Increase Self-Esteem
- Teach A New Skill
- Create Excitement
- Increase Listening Skills


“It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation on behalf of Robert Friedman. Mr. Friedman worked with the Head Start program at P.S. 8, during the 2004-2005 school year, as a music consultant.
During the mentioned period, Mr. Friedman brought his expertise in music to the classroom setting. Through drumming, he engaged children in a variety of physical activity. Further, he gave children the opportunity to express themselves through rhythm and beats which were not only captivating, but also appropriate to our children’s ages.
I had ample opportunity to observe Mr. Friedman in his work with the children. I feel confident in saying that Mr. Friedman is quite respectful of children’s individual needs and learning styles.
More recently, Mr. Friedman provided staff development training were he brought the same expertise offered in the classroom, but rather used his drumming in a therapeutic form. Similar to the experience with the children, the adults involved in the training were very receptive to Mr. Friedman’s style, and used the session as a stress reliever.”
Esther Olivera, Educational Director
PS 21
“I would like to give my personal reference on behalf of Robert Lawrence Friedman. In one morning session, Robert gave us the opportunity to partake in a fully developed musical presentation, that not only inspired and delighted my kindergarten class, but met all of the developmental needs of an early childhood experience.
Robert visited PS 21 in Queens, New York, bringing with him numerous percussion instruments from around the world. He allowed the children to listen and visualize each instrument’s size, shape and sound before showing them to the class. The children danced to different rhythms, creating an atmosphere of excitement and joy.
After the instruments were introduced, Robert put them onto separate tables, allowing the children to discover and create their own sounds. This hands-on opportunity presented the children time to use their own creative abilities.
With his patience and talent, Robert is a positive influence on young children. He has enriched all of our lives.”
Robin Spiel, Teacher
“Thank you for your numerous and successful performances at PS 5 Ellen Lurie School, Children’s Aid Society Head Start Program. Every one of your well organized presentations set the stage for sharing your keen sense of rhythm and stirred up pure excitement. Your love, care and compassion was expressed through your adaptability and your compassion for the participants.
Although our community is considered disadvantaged or unlucky, as soon as you started exerting your rhythmic spells via your drumming, rhythm instruments and developmentally appropriate language and literacy activities, they became the lucky ones. Your interactive, educational and spirited performances will forever be memorable to all of us.
The children’s smiles, participation and re-enactments confirm your importance in enhancing our curriculum and family involvement standards. I can attest that our children, their families and our staff are your most ardent fans.”
Tamara Royal, Educational Director
“I am writing this reference for Mr. Robert Lawrence Friedman. I have had the opportunity to observe Robert’s work during the past three years. Robert is always extremely prepared and organized. He also has the capacity to adapt to the dynamic of any group. Throughout all of his experiences within our programs, Robert has been able to engage the participants and encourage people to share their talents. He has an ability to get participants focused on a goal. He uses drums to allow participants to express themselves, share and create group unity. Each person gets to experience the drums through their own personality. As the group develops people listen more closely to each other and appreciate each other’s individuality. The group experiences a sense of harmony that transcends individual differences. Every time Robert conducts his groups, individuals feel more empowered and groups become more cohesive. This takes place because of Robert’s ability to engage individuals and encourage positive group dynamics. Robert has talent and a program that offers something very special to any group and any activity. I highly recommend Mr. Friedman for any group that would like to experience great harmony, and have fun in the process.”
Dr. Andrew Selzer, Director